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吹啤啤 - 單眼佬

吹啤啤 - 單眼佬 330ml


蜂蜜酒是有長遠歷史的酒精飲料,釀酒師加入傳統果脯 – 話梅,這組合帶出了甜、酸和鹹味,口味鹹濕,有趣且豐富。
Mead is a fermented honey drink with a long history. Fusion with Dried Plum, which is also a traditional Chinese preserved fruit, this East meets West sparkled a complexity of mellow sweet, tart sour and salty taste.





吹啤啤 - 單眼佬

Mellow Sweet, Dried Plum, Tart Sour

  • ABV:    4%
  • Spec:  330ml 
  • Best Before: Shown on package 
  • 送貨服務

    所以酒精產品順豐到付 ,消費滿$650 免運費


    $55/ 10KG以下(1-16支酒)

    $70/ 15KG以下 (16-24支酒)

  • 免責聲明及條款:

    - 所有購買酒類客人必需年滿十八歲或以上 ,當你下單購買時表示你已年滿十八歲或以上

    “ Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.”

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